Thursday, December 20, 2012

New Wine Report - Dec 2012

First we would like to extend to you a "Merry Christmas to you and your kin"!

Since I last wrote we have had a very encouraging time of ministry and changes in the Kulchar Family. New Wine is now officially under the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) and a member of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes. We are looking for our first visit from Bishop Roger Ames the first weekend of February 2013. We officially changed our affiliation with a congregational vote at our Annual meeting the end of November. This has not changed what we do on the ground here in Flint, but has united us with a larger community of Anglican churches in the mid-west. We now celebrate our common vision of planting new churches that reach out to our community with the Good News of Christ and serve people as we seek healing and wholeness in all our lives.

Each of our cell groups this fall continue to focus on Discipleship and Ministry. Our Monday cell completed a study of the Celtic way of doing church. Their relational emphasis of mission focuses on belonging before believing and has challenged us to be more creative in connecting intentionally with our neighbors. Several in our cell are involved in a clothes closet and food pantry in Flushing. Two of us have been helping coach volunteers in looking for ministry opportunities in their time of service. This coaching role has allowed us to hear many special "God moments" in the lives of volunteers and allowed us to help encourage this ministry to do so more intentionally and effectively.

Another cell group in a senior apartment complex north of Flint completed a topical study on heaven. Though attendance was sporadic it is apparent that our presence has allowed us to establish several new relationships which is encouraging spiritual growth in the lives in the building. Our Wednesday Cell, which also meeting in an apartment building had over 20 in attendance last week. This cell is talking about expanding to a neighboring apartment complex. Healthy cells multiply. Who said seniors can not have a missional vision and spirit?

The young adult coffee house ministry on Fridays just finished up its Fall gatherings. As a result of a good working relationship with Riverside Tabernacle (Assembly of God) on this project, a new partnership will begin in January. We are moving our Sunday gathering to nest in Riverside's building located within walking distance of our current location. Pastor Tom Mattuzio and his board have agreed to allow us to use one of their large classrooms during their service time. This will allow us to share nursery and toddler ministry with them. We celebrate and publicly announce our move in February marked by the Bishop's visit. Pray for us in this new relationship and that this will bless both congregations as we share space and ministry together.

I continue to be amazed how our small community seems be used to multiply ministry. Two men from our congregation are feeling led to begin the discernment process towards ordination. One is hoping to start seminary in the fall and is exploring the call to the priesthood. The other is newly retired and looking to serve as a deacon. This requires a great deal of mentoring time for me as rector, but I have found it quite energizing and inspiring as I see the Lord at work in these two men.
Finally, I recently visited Mike Cupp and his family on the west side of the state. They have launched their new work "Grand Rapids Anglican Church" (GRAC) which I fondly call "Grace". They have been blessed with use of an unused Catholic rectory minutes from downtown. One cannot walk away without sensing the Lord's favor on this work. New Wine sponsored Mike and Amy as they began this process. It was so exciting to see it in its infant stages finally getting off the ground. Before I preached the sermon I presented those gathered a bottle of wine as a gift from New Wine to be used at the Lord's Table. There is great joy in the birth of a new ministry.

Personally we are overjoyed at the birth of our first grandchild, Asa Owen Kulchar. He was born the end of September. At the same time, we are in the midst of a very difficult situation with some of our extended family, much of which is out of our control or ability to resolve. We have sensed once again that amidst times that are good spiritual times, the enemy looks for ways to hassle us, our family or the ministry. For this reason we continue to covet your prayers.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Grand Visit!

On December 9th Deb, Nick Daddario and I went over to Grand Rapids and worshiped with the folks at a new church plant called "Grand Rapids Anglican Church" (GRAC).   Like most new congregations they are small, but from the moment we arrived we could see that the Lord's favor is on them. 

Mike Cupp and his family greeted us as we entered the former RC parsonage about 1/2 mile from downtown Grand Rapids.  It is a beautiful office, meeting hall and apartment facility.  The RC dicoese is allowing them to use this wonderful space to start their new work.  Mike, Amy and the kids (3 young boys) come over from Homer, Michigan on the weekends to work on the new church.  Relationship building and worship planning is the heart of what they are doing now and this facility is the perfect base out of which to launch this new work. 

They have several core families meeting with them now.  The Lord has brought them a wonderful keyboardist from England (who is a history professor at Cornerstone College).  Much like New Wine, they meet in a basement commons room and project the liturgy and lyrics on the wall.  Sharing, preaching and communion makes GRAC feel very similar to our service in Flint.  They did have an outstanding offeratory where many of the kids played rhythm instruments to a joyful praise chorus.  We sang both hymnody and contemporay songs in the midst of a standard Prayerbook Service.  Simple altar hangings on a table and an Advent Wreath made us feel right at home.

Though we had to make a quick exit due to afternoon meetings with family, it was a great joy to meet some of the new Anglicans in Grand Rapids.  Mike allowed me to preach on our role in preparing people to meet the Lord in our generation.  My prayer is that all of us will be constantly aware that we are "preparing the way" with our words and deeds all the time.  I also brought them greetings and a bottle of communion wine from the people of New Wine who helped raise Mike and Amy up for this new work .   One cannot come away without a sense that good things are in store for the Cupps and the GRAC community. 

PS.  Note that GRAC could be pronounced "Grace" which we pray they will know more and more each day.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Word to the Anglican Church

In the fog of conflict one often yearns for moments of clarity.  I read this reflection from a group of Anglican clergy who I think are speaking with anointed clarity.   Dave+

What really happened in Auckland NZ at Anglican Consultative Council-15 (Oct 28-Nov 7, 2012)

From: Archbishop Ikechi Nwosu, Church of Nigeria
The Right Rev. Samson Mwaluda, Church of Kenya
The Ven. Archdeacon Abraham Okoriah, Church of Nigeria
The Ven. Canon Philip Obwogi, Church of Kenya
Hon. Abraham Yissa, Registrar, Church of Nigeria
Hon. Samuel Mukunya, Church of Kenya

"Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints..." Jude 3

To our brothers and sisters in Christ, Anglicans everywhere, Grace and Peace to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour. We write to you as representatives to the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC-15), which has just concluded in Auckland NZ. We represent the Church of Nigeria and the Church of Kenya, approximately 31 million active and worshipping Anglicans within our Anglican Communion. We write in the spirit of Jude 3 to express our concerns about the directions taken by ACC-15.

1. We are grateful for the warm Christian welcome we received from the "three Tikanga" Anglican Church of New Zealand, whose overlapping jurisdictions among the Pakeha, Maori and Polynesian peoples have enabled the gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached far and wide, with enduring faithfulness especially among the Maori and Polynesian peoples. We believe this model provides fresh room for reconsidering how our Anglican structures can fulfill our Lord Jesus Christ's Great Commission to make disciples of all peoples and nations. (Matthew 28:16-20)

2. At the same time, we are grieved that this meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council avoided the real crisis in the Anglican Communion. Since Lambeth Conference 1998, the ongoing conflict in our beloved Communion continues to be a crisis of Gospel truth, not only regarding matters of human sexuality but the authority of Holy Scripture as the Word of God written and the unique and universal Lordship of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

3. In the discussion on the proposed Anglican Covenant, we avoided the serious issues pertaining to discipline in the Church. Instead, we were asked to discuss our feelings about the Covenant-"Why is it a sign of fear for some and a sign of hope for others?" We already have four Instruments of Anglican Communion: the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Primates meetings, the Lambeth Conference of Bishops, and the ACC. If our identity, faith and order as Anglicans cannot be maintained by these Instruments, the Covenant will not solve our problems.

4. Since the Reformation, our core identity, faith and order as Anglicans lies in a Church whose doctrine, discipline and mission are grounded in the Holy Scriptures and in such teachings of the Ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church that agree with the Scriptures. We find this core Anglican identity, faith and order in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordinal. Many of us have reaffirmed this identity in the 2008 Jerusalem Declaration. The current crisis over Gospel truth and the confusion and conflict in Anglican identity, faith and order is a result of a failure of governance by the Instruments of Communion. This is a failure and, at times, subversion of leadership at the highest levels.

5. For this reason, we believe it is time for the Primates themselves to elect one of their own who will call their meetings with an enhanced responsibility to guard the Faith and Order of the Anglican Communion. We believe this can be done without sacrificing the primacy of honour we bestow upon the historic See of Canterbury, or diminishing the civic and ecclesiastical role Canterbury plays in the life of the Church of England.

6. While there were many reports and resolutions at ACC-15, we wish to highlight our concerns over the report and the resolution on "The Bible in the Life of the Church" project. There is much to commend in this report on the central role the Holy Scriptures play in the life of Anglicans everywhere. We affirm the need to address the gap between the pulpit and the pew, the scholars and ordinary Anglicans who are seeking to apply the Bible to their daily lives. However, we are seriously concerned that the context in which people interpret the Bible is considered as important as what the Bible actually says.

7. In our reflection groups, we heard Anglicans from the west say that this conclusion requires us to honour any interpretation of the Bible-since every context from which the Scriptures are read is to be honoured. We reject this assertion and the claim that there are no justifiable limits in interpreting and applying God's word. The Bible stands over context, not the context over the Bible. God's Word changes us-we do not change God's Word. We note that in April of this year over 200 leaders-Archbishops, bishops, clergy and laity-gathered in London from 30 countries and 25 provinces within the Anglican Communion. They read, studied and proclaimed the Holy Scriptures together, focusing on Paul's Letter to the Colossians . Despite their diversity of contexts, they affirmed in a spirit of unity and joy the Lordship of Jesus Christ, his uniqueness and sufficiency for the salvation of all people.

8. We close with an observation from the Right Rev. Michael Nazir-Ali on the limits of biblical interpretation: "We cannot, because of a process of inculturation, produce forms of the Christian faith that are entirely opaque to Christians elsewhere." We are grieved that the Anglican Consultative Council continues to tolerate, and even honour, The Episcopal Church USA, the Anglican Church of Canada and other provinces who continue to produce revisionist forms of the Christian faith that are unrecognizable to the majority of Anglicans worldwide, contrary to a plain reading of God's Word and in violation of Anglican Faith and Order.

9. We call upon all Anglicans to pray that our beloved Communion will stand firm in honouring the unique and universal Lordship of Jesus Christ as the Son Of God, and the authority of God's Word written over all contexts, and in every matter of faith and practice.

"But you dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life." Jude 21

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Spirtual Warfare Prayer

(Based on work of Dr. N. Cindy Trimm & modified by Rev. Don O'Malley)

Holy Spirit of our Father in heaven,

Spirit of Jesus Christ Who lives in us,

help us to pray as we ought,

in spirit and in truth.

Set us free from all fears, anxieties and doubts. Deliver us from stray thoughts

and distractions of the enemy.

Make the words of our mouths

and the meditations of our hearts,

holy and pleasing in Your sight, O Lord God,

our Rock and our Redeemer.

Claiming the promises of God’s holy Word,

we pray as children of God, servants of Jesus

Christ, and temples of the Holy Spirit.

We declare that, it is no longer we who live,

but Christ Who lives in us,

and Christ Who lives in us,

is far greater than the prince of this world;

therefore, we come in the Name

of the Lord Jesus Christ,

Who we belong to and Whom we serve,

that at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is

Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that in this battle

against the prince of this world,

no visible or invisible weapon, be it emotional,

financial, social, physical, sexual, mental,

personal, spiritual, or legal,

formed against us, our families, our church,

or our community will prevail.

The battle is the Lord’s,

and He gives the enemy into our hands.

He delivers us from conflicts without,

and from fears within,

and does not let the devil

get a foothold in our lives.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we lift up

and enforce God’s plans and purposes,

over and against the plans and purposes of Satan,

and against all those who do his evil work. We declare that our battle

is not against flesh and blood,

but against the rulers, authorities,

and powers of this dark world;

and against the spiritual forces of evil

in the heavenly places.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we come against

all of Satan’s works, efforts, tricks and attacks.

We declare that the weapons of our battle

are not the weapons of this world,

but the weapons of God,

which have God’s power to destroy the enemy.

We come in the Name of the Lord God Almighty

to tear down anything that sets itself up against God, and take hold of every thought

to make it obedient to Jesus Christ.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we put upon

ourselves, our families, and our church,

the armor of light and the full armor of God:

Truth to cover our inner parts and our will;

The breastplate of righteousness to cover our heart,

and our emotions;

The gospel of peace to cover our feet and our path;

The shield of faith to cover our body, our soul and our spirit; to put out all the flaming darts of the enemy;

The helmet of salvation to cover our head,

our mind and our thoughts;

The garment of judgment and the cloak of zeal;

The Lord Jesus Christ;

The robe of righteousness;

And the Glory of God, which is our rear guard.

We take up the sword of the Spirit,

which is the Word of God,

and use God’s Word against all the forces of evil

that come against us.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we bind, reject, overrule, and cancel

every action of Satan and his demons,

which works against the will of God

concerning our lives, our families, our church,

our community, and our nation.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare

that God’s power destroys every un-Godly habit,

addiction, desire, inclination, relationship,

and association in our lives;

and that our bodies, souls, and spirits now conform

to the ways, the manners, and the methods

of the Kingdom of God.

We set up God’s boundaries and borders in our lives,

our families, and our church,

and we commit to the laws of the Kingdom of God

to govern all activities within those borders.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare

that we are healed and Spirit-filled;

sickness and disease are far from us,

because Jesus Christ has taken upon Himself

our illnesses and injuries;

by His wounds we are healed.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we take

authority over the airways, nations,

kingdoms, regions, mountains, and domains.

We call upon Michael and all God’s angels

to come against any of the devil’s evil efforts

and resistance con­cerning this order.

We claim the success of all efforts

and assistance of God’s angels.

According to the Word of God,

His angels beat down the enemy,

and protect us, our properties, our possessions,

our families, and our church.

God Almighty, we pray that You

oppose those who come against us,

and fight against those who attack us.

You are our war club; our weapon for battle. Take hold of shield and sword,

and stand up for our help.

Draw out also the spear,

and stop those who try to hurt us.

Put on Your garments of war;

gather Your weapons and ammunition;

make ready Your arrows.

Gather Your shields, and let judgment be Your

final goal, as You overthrow

the chariots, horses, and riders.

Let terror strike the hearts of our enemies,

and cause their hearts to fail.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we give glory to our heavenly Father,

Who gives us power to run through

the enemy’s lines and leap over walls.

You are our God: the God Who gives us strength

and makes our way perfect.

It is You Who makes our feet secure, giving us

strength so that we are able to stand firmly, and advance on the dangerous heights

of testing and trouble.

You set us firmly upon our high places.

You teach our hands to war and fingers to fight,

giving us super natural strength and abilities,

so that our arms break a bow of steel.

You are our Rock, our Shield,

and our Strong Tower.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

You have given us the shield of Your salvation,

and Your right hand

makes us victors in this battle.

Beat down the enemy.

Help us to pursue and overtake them until they are

wounded and destroyed, falling at our feet,

never to rise again.

Lift up our names in the heavens.

Make evil spirits that hear us submit and obey us,

in the Name of Jesus Christ.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare

that it is You Lord God Who have blessed us;

it is You Who makes us strong.

It is not by our might nor by our power, but

by the Spirit of the Lord God Who lives in us.

For when the enemy shall come in like a flood,

Your Holy Spirit lifts up a shield against him.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we remove feelings of heaviness, oppression,

depression, and despair.

We lift all our burdens and lay them

before the Lord God Almighty, Who keeps us.

We shall not be moved.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we resist the devil and he must flee from us.

We submit ourselves to God,

and to God alone.

We forbid, halt and prevent any further work

or activities of Satan and his demons,

concerning our lives, our ministries, our families,

our church, and our community,

and we wage a war for them.

Standing firm in our faith, we put a stop to any evil

interference or resistance against us.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we resist

Satan’s temptations, tricks and trials in our lives. We lift up God’s purpose and plan over and against

all activities and opposing forces of the enemy,

anything that is not in keeping

with the will of God in Christ Jesus,

concerning our lives, our families,

our church, and our community.

We bind Satan’s attacks,

and destroy the works of his followers.

We bring to a halt and stop all evil activity in our life,

in our church, and in the people around us.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we carry

out God’s judgment against Satan and all his

demons, and we war in the spirit of Elijah. We declare that, by the power of the Holy Spirit,

all strong-holds, covenants, contracts,

chains, fetters, and bondages,

that work against, oppose, or hinder the

fulfillment of God’s plans and purposes

are hereby broken.

We are set free from any and all evil spirits,

soul ties, and family curses,

passed down from our parents, grandparents,

great grandparents, and previous ancestors.

We cut them loose by the Sword of

the Lord God Almighty, by the Blood

of the Lamb, and by the Holy Spirit.

We speak to our body, soul and spirit,

and declare that we are free

from any and all evil influences,

passed down from one generation to another,

or from one person to another,

bodily, sexually, socially, emotionally, mentally,

spiritually, or by any other way known to God.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we rebuke all evil and unclean spirits,

especially those that try to act as gate-keepers

or door-keepers to our soul and spirit,

to our homes, or to our church,

and we break any further known or unknown

ties and connections used by the enemy.

We repent of our sins, receive Your forgiveness,

and are cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ;

we now close all spiritual doorways opened to

the enemy by our sins or the sins of others;

they are sealed shut forever by the Holy Spirit. We open ourselves to God’s salvation,

and to a fresh filling of Your Living Water.

Heavenly Father, have Your way with us now. Perfect all things concerning us,

for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ,

and for the glory of Your holy Name.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare

that God’s prayer shield, anointing,

Truth, Word, and Blood,

form walls of protection around us, our families,

our homes, our cars, and our church,

and hide us from the attacks of the enemy;

from familiar spirits, territorial spirits,

blocking spirits, and any and all demons.

There shall be no breaks or cracks

in these walls of protection.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we release our names into the spirit world,

and declare that God’s prayer warriors, intercessors,

and watchmen are picking us up in the spirit.

We speak that they will not stop

or come down from their watch towers

until their work has been completed.

We declare that they will carry on their work

under the direction of the Holy Spirit and

Jesus Christ, Who is our Chief Interces­sor.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare that

the Spirit of the Lord God is upon us and within us; the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, power,

knowledge, and the fear of the Lord God.

As we grow in faith we are strengthened by God,

and increase in skill and understanding

of the hope to which God has called us.

We speak against, reject, and cancel,

all of Satan’s lying efforts

to set up a decoy or an ambush to our souls,

and the souls of those who pray with us and for us,

and those who interact with us daily.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we destroy the wicked plans of the devil,

and stop any evil interference with Godly thoughts,

inspiration, revelation, insight, wisdom, knowledge,

and understanding, coming from the throne room

of our heavenly Father,

especially those that strengthen and reinforce

our Kingdom authority in this world,

and in the heavenly places,

and that work towards God’s saving purpose

in this world.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we stop all

distracting, disturbing, destructive,

and deceitful attacks of the enemy.

For this rea­son the Son of God came into this world,

that He would destroy the works of the devil.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare that

all the walls of the enemy are destroyed, and that the

gates of hell will not stand up against us.

We break up, cancel, and tear down,

all of Satan’s operations, games, tricks,

tactics, plots, plans, and ploys,

which are designed to hinder, prevent, frustrate, foil,

deny, or delay God’s plans and purposes,

from their quick, swift, and speedy completion,

in their correct time and season.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we stop

the adjusting or changing of any Godly time

or laws, concerning our lives,

or the lives of our families.

We move in agreement with, along with,

and together with the movements

of the Holy Spirit of God.

We declare that if any laws and contracts are

changed, they are changed in our favor,

so that we may prosper in the place that God

has put us, and the land in which we live.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that our times and seasons

are in the hands of the Lord God,

and they shall not be changed or adjusted

by anyone or anything.

We live under the anointing of the Son of God,

and God gives us His discernment

to correctly know our times and seasons.

We declare that the eyes of our spirit

work with righteous vision,

for correct understanding and knowledge

of God’s movements.

Our ears are in tune with the voice

of the Holy Spirit,

and we have clear and continuous

messages and instructions from Him.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that this day we live

by God’s timetable and calendar.

We declare that God’s plan is our plan;

His will, our will.

We are not our own;

we have been bought with a price.

We therefore submit ourselves to God alone.

We declare that, in Jesus Christ,

we boldly come before the Throne of Grace;

in the Book of Life it is written of us.

Heavenly Father, we pray that You overturn the

work of troublemakers, scorners, scoffers,

mockers, persecutors, and character assassins, especially in our church,

whether intentional or unintentional.

Expose Satan’s servants and children.

Give us Your discernment and power to identify,

resist, rebuke, and overcome their evil plots

and plans set up for our destruction.

Gently open their eyes to the destructiveness

of their ways, and lead them into Godly

conviction, correction and repentance.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we lift up the

Word of God over and against all destructive plans,

purposes, and works of the enemy.

We take command over, bring to a halt, and place a

stop on any further movements and activities of the

enemy coming from the under world;

from death; from Hell; from the grave; from the pit;

from regions of the sea; from heavenly places;

and from places on earth or under the earth.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

and by the power of His Blood,

we cancel and repeal all the enemy’s ill-spoken words,

evil wishes, incantations, divinations, spells, hexes,

curses, witchcraft prayers, and black magic,

and every idle word spoken contrary

to God’s plans and purposes.

We nullify and cancel the evil powers of any physical

objects brought into our homes or into our church.

We turn back any of the enemy’s curses or evil words

spoken against us, our families, and our church.

We declare that they shall not stand, they shall not

come to pass, they shall not take root, and that their

evil effects are returned to them double-fold.

We stop Satan the accuser from turning or influencing

the heart or mind of anyone who comes into contact

with us, especially our closest family, friends,

and church members.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we come against false spoken words,

false claims, slander, and verbal attacks,

and any evil attempts to destroy us, our families,

our church, and our community.

Heavenly Father, cause the heavens to bow down with

Your judgment; cast forth lightning to scatter them; shoot out Your arrows to destroy them;

send Your hand from above and rid us of them.

We will lose no position or ground to their evil efforts,

activities and deceptions.

Heavenly Father, we pray that You would destroy the

work of witches and warlocks who oppose Your

plans and purposes, as You did with Jannes and

Jambres in the days of Moses.

Confuse the evil omens of Satan worshippers, liars,

astrologers, psychics, sorcerers, and the like.

Make fools of false prophets,

and make their dark knowledge foolishness.

We pray that You break up Satan’s army of

followers and stop them by Your Holy Spirit.

Make every undercover, hidden and secret effort

and activity of the enemy fail.

Heavenly Father, we pray that You confirm

the words of Your servants in our midst,

and fulfill the predictions of Your messengers

concerning the coming of Your Kingdom.

Send Your holy angels and use the words of

Your prophets against the enemy’s camps, and arrest those that work in the spirit of Jezebel,

or Baal, or Asherah, or Marduk, or Bel.

Let them not resist Godly anointing, undermine

authority, or gain any ground in the natural

world, or in the spiritual places.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we praise the Lord God, our Savior,

Who daily bears our burdens.

We cast all our fears upon Him,

because He cares about us.

We are precious in His sight,

and He loves us more than we can imagine.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that greatness

in the Kingdom of God is our destiny.

We cancel the effects of any un-Godly marks,

wounds or emotional scars,

and declare that God’s favor, grace, honor, and

well-wishes, now replace any and all bad

feelings, perceptions, and thoughts,

about ourselves, our families, our church,

our community, and the work which

we are called by God to complete.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare

that the Holy Spirit is upon us, and within us,

because Jesus Christ has anointed us

to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent us to bind up the brokenhearted,

to proclaim freedom for the captives,

and release from darkness for the prisoners;

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor,

and the day of judgment of our God;

to comfort all who mourn,

and provide for those who live in Zion;

to bestow on them a crown of beauty,

instead of ashes,

the oil of gladness, instead of mourning,

and a garment of praise,

instead of a spirit of despair.

Heavenly Father, You have given us this great work

to complete for Your glory and goodness.

We claim the releasing of Your finances and

all resources that are necessary for this work. Everything You prepared for us before the creation of

the world, everything that has to do with our lives,

our families, our ministries, our calling,

and all godliness, comes to us now.

We will not be denied. We will not accept substitutes. We call in resources from the north,

the south, the east, and the west.

We declare that every resource necessary for us

to fulfill God’s plans and purposes

comes to us with­out delay.

We declare that our set time of favor

will not be taken away by the enemy;

that God blesses those who bless us,

and curses those who curse us.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that the wealth of the wicked

is no longer laying up for us, but is released now.

We declare the releasing of the wealth of the seas,

the riches of the Gentiles, and the gold and silver

from our prophetic Tarshish and Queen of Sheba. Let those who hold on to this wealth

release what rightfully belongs to this ministry.

We command Satan to loose it, release it, and let it go.

Our God Who Provides, subdue nations before us,

strip kings of their armor, open doors so that gates

will not be shut, level the mountains, break down

gates of bronze, and cut through bars of iron.

Grant to us, O God, according to Your riches in glory,

Your tender mercies and infinite favor,

the treasures of darkness,

and the riches stored in secret places.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that the anointing of Christ

flows freely and fully in our lives.

We declare that our God has brought us into our

promised place, and we dwell in the land of Goshen. We increase in abundance,

and prosper in the land where we abide

and are sent as servants of Jesus Christ;

to have life and have it abundantly.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that we are born again

by the Holy Spirit and fire;

that the Holy Spirit is our Helper,

our Guide, and our Counselor,

Who helps us to pray and worship,

and leads us into all Truth.

The Lord God Almighty, the highest Power of

heaven and earth, our only Judge,

has decreed that peace is our overseer,

righteousness is our ruler, our walls are

Salvation, and our gates Praise.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we cast out all evil spirits:

spirits of pride, spirits of fear, spirits of

judgment, spirits of division, spirits of lies,

and spirits of confusion,

be gone in the Name of Jesus Christ.

(Pause to name others.)

To those who have in mind the things of men

and not the things of God we say,

“Get behind us, Satan!”

The Lord God blesses the work of our hands.

By Him and through Him and for Him,

we accomplish great things.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we release upon our lives, our ministries,

our families, and our church,

the following anointings for health and

prosperity, so that the Name of God is

glorified in this world:

the anointing of Adam (Genesis 1:28,30; 2:15)

the anointing of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3)

the anointing of Melchizedek (Gen 14:18)

the anointing of Isaac (Genesis 26:1-14)

the anointing of Jacob (Genesis 28:1; 31:4-9)

the anointing of Joseph (Psalm 105:15-21)

the anointing of Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9)

the anointing of Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-10)

the anointing of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10)

the anointing of Solomon (1Chron 29:19)

the anointing of Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:3-15)

the anointing of the Messiah (Luke 4:18-19)

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare the disarming of powers and authorities, which were made a public spectacle

by the triumph of Christ on the cross.

We declare that these prayers take on the power

and effect of God’s flaming arrows,

and that they hit their target

according to God’s will, purpose and plan.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that every unclean spirit

set loose from their evil assignment,

now becomes a part of Jesus’ footstool,

to surrender to Him or be trampled under His feet.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we send these words forth

as heavenly angels in the places of the spirit,

to tear down and destroy the enemy’s camps;

to cause the four winds of the Holy Spirit

to blow as destroying, conquering winds.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare success and progress;

that we are more than conquerors

through Him Who loves us.

We declare that the Kingdom of Christ

rules and reigns;

for God’s is the Kingdom,

and the power and the glory, forever and ever.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

we declare that the power, the purpose,

and the effect of this prayer,

are binding by the Word of God,

by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Holy Spirit. To the glory of God our heavenly Father,

we seal this prayer,

in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes Merging

New Wine Mission was one of the original Anglican Mission In America (AMIA) churches of the Heart of North America (HONA). We have now been informally received into the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes (ADGL) which is a diocese of the emerging Anglican Province called the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). We will be officially received in to the Diocese at the next annual gathering in April 2013.

Our new Bishop, Roger Ames, of the ADGL invited all his clergy and transferring HONA leaders to a gathering in Akron, Ohio October 3-5. Here are the highlights of this significant meeting:

There were about 80 clergy (deacons, priests and bishops) in attendance. Many of these I have known through the years. For instance, Kelly Irish from Mentor, Ohio whom I first met when we attended church together back when we were in college. Kelly pastors a congregation which he has led for over a decade and which recently lost their property. He is not discouraged. They now share space with the Friends Church in town and is excited about this new stage of ministry life. I also spent time with Scott Sauders who has led an urban congregation for over 20 years in Akron, Ohio. Not only was it good to reconnect with him, for I remember him being sent out to begin a new work from our home church in the 80's, I took the time to seek his counsel about some ministry related work with the urban poor in Flint. In our new diocese we find a variety of godly men and women leaders who have sacrificed much to live out the ministry in a Biblically sound Anglican Community. Bishop Roger described the diocese as having in it three vibrant streams-the Evangelical, Charismatic and Anglo-Catholic Anglicans flowing together to support each other in our work of bringing people to Jesus. I could already see that was true.
We had strong preaching about our call to Spiritual warfare as we expect the Holy Spirit to move in power in our midst. There was ample time allotted over several meals for the clergy to share of life and ministry with each other in hopes of building what I hope will be long lasting relationships as we impact this region of the nation with an authentic expression of a living faith that is both ancient and future looking.

The most moving moment for me happened during a time of worship. After an extended time of praise, utilizing both hymnody and contemporary praise, we heard a strong teaching about "Humble Leadership" given by the Bishop's assistant Mark Scotton. Mark then called Bishop Roger forward and ask the AMIA clergy to pray over their new bishop. Then the current ADGL clergy surrounded us and prayed for our ministry and our new life together. Then Bishop Doc, who joined us at this evening service, was called to the middle of the circle to stand side by side with Roger as he recalled our journey to this point. He then symbolically passed a sword to Roger calling on him to lead us forward in taking the Gospel to the Heart of North America. All were deeply moved and we sensed this was a significant moment in marking our new life together.

As we begin to live into this new relationship with other Anglicans in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and beyond, I believe we will be surprised at what the Lord will do.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Wine Report - Sept 2012

Here we are nearly at the end of September and Fall is upon us as fast as the frosty nights. Deb and I had a wonderful two week vacation in mid-August. Most of our time was spent with friends and family and proved to be a much needed time of decompression. We do really need to heed the Lord's admonition to build in times of rest. He knows what He is talking about. Have you "rested" from your labors lately?
New Wine Anglican Mission has been released from the affiliation oversight of the Anglican Mission in America. AMIA itself has undergone organizational changes and is now officially a mission society. Along with other AMIA churches in Michigan we have decided to come under the new Anglican province called the "Anglican Church of North America" or ACNA. We have applied for reception under Bishop Roger Ames and the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes. This has been affirmed informally and we are awaiting official notification.

Practically this means we will be joining a diocese which will grow from 20 to 40 some congregations primarily in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Kentucky. We will still maintain a mission spirit reaching out to our communities via a ministry that carries a sacramental, evangelical and charismatic balance. Last month several of our clergy leaders in Michigan spent the day with Bishop Roger. It was a great time of sharing our stories and getting to know each other, but most memorable for me was a time when the Bishop prayed for each of us asking for a continued blessing and guidance in each of our lives. This gathering took place in our home which under our new cell model of doing ministry continues to be a haven of rest and a great instrument out of which to do ministry. And for this we are both grateful and blessed.
In this past month we also witnessed the ordination of three men whom the Lord allowed us to help raise up. The first was Micah Chisholm who finished seminary and is serving as an assistant priest in Springfield, MO. in an ACNA parish. As I have gotten to know Micah over the years, I know we have raised up a teacher and preacher who has a heart for the lost and a living faith in the One who calls him. The other two happened on short notice. Samuel Makuach was ordained a transitional deacon as he has been called to serve a small Sudanese congregation in Lansing. Mike Cupp was quickly ordained priest as he and his family begin a new work in Grand Rapids. Both these men I have come to know and see the Lord's mighty hand on them. They love Jesus and are making great sacrifices in order to heed the call. As I have tried to pour my support and time into these three men and as New Wine has sponsored two of them in their discernment process, we feel great joy in witnessing these ordinations!

September 6,7 & 8, Fawn Glassford and I joined some 70 "missionaries" in an inter-denominational outreach called "Engage Flint". For three days we went door to door praying over the city and praying for the people we met. On several occasions teams of two or three were able to share the good news of Christ and give away New Testaments. We prayed for many people for healing, to overcome discouragement and asked the Lord to help turn our city around. This often allowed us to introduce neighbors to each other, like two pastor's wives who did not know about the other young mom feeling alone who lived one street over. We followed up already with two women who are very interested in regular Bible study. I am meeting with a third gentleman for coffee next week. This reminded me how much people are looking for the real thing when it comes to Jesus. We just need to make ourselves more available to be used to listen and to pray with them.

Our first grandson is due in the next few weeks and will mark another life transition for the Kulchar family. Pray for Sarah, Asa & Josh. Join with us also in praying for "spiritual and numerical growth" at New Wine this fall.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Wine Report - Aug 2012

The summer pace of ministry has slowed, yet I look back and find myself saying "Where did July go?" The most memorable moment last month for me was a visit from our Kettering Student who after graduation a year ago, has taken two years to serve with ELI (English Language Institute) in China. She took time to return to Michigan on her return to the states to share with us about her work in China. I cannot fully express the extent of her work, but it is all about relationship. She will return soon and we sense the Lord's hand is upon her. This past year He has grown her and used her as she serves in a place half a world away! We are so proud of her courage and willingness to extend herself in so many ways knowing she is driven by her love for the Lord. Small church - big impact.

A second God moment in July came when one of our missionary members saw an opportunity to extend ministry into her "neighborhood." Peggy lives in Roxbury Sr. Apartments in Clio, north of Flint. We recently hosted a "grief support" group there. After the tragic shootings in Colorado some of the residents wanted to gather to pray for Aurora and the victims and their family. Peggy organized a time in which people were invited to the common room and invited me to lead a prayer service. We had about half a dozen residents join us, but what was so neat was to see her take on a leadership role in her community. Small church - big opportunities.

Third, I was invited to sit down with a group of Nazarene pastors from fairly sizable congregations in the Flint suburbs to talk about our cooperative efforts in pulling off a campus outreach in the heart of Flint. I was able to share with them our vision of bringing revival through neighborhood cell groups and how this effort came out of one of our members catching a vision of working with others to reach college students. We could not pull this off alone, but in working with IVCF staff and the local Assembly of God church we got this work off the ground. Small church - big vision.

Finally this month we hosted a gathering of AMIA Lighthouse Network leaders for a time of discernment and prayer about the future affiliation decisions we are asked to make as AMIA reorganizes as a Mission Society. At the same time there is an invitation for us to affiliate with the new emerging Anglican Province called the Anglican Church of North America or ACNA. There was a good time of worship, sharing and prayer. We especially appreciated the practice we have grown accustomed to of spending time in quiet listening prayer as we seek the Lord for guidance and direction. Though small in number in our Lighthouse Network, we had good participation and had significant influence on our discussion about our common life together. Small church - big influence.

In regards to our family, most may know Deb's job with Diplomat Pharmacy was not a good fit. She chose to leave at the end of her 90 day probationary period the end of June. Within days of her quitting, the Lord provided another part-time respite care position where she helps care for Gladys, who is 97. This provides her with about a 15 hours a week of work. This is a blessing as this helps fill in the gap as she looks elsewhere. Please join us in prayer for God's employment direction and provision.

We moved Kyle, our youngest, to Grand Rapids where he will study Furniture Design this fall. This makes us officially "Empty Nesters". (we think for good this time.) We also learned last month that our first grandchild will be a little boy. Josh and Sarah will name him "Asa" after the good king of Judah. His due date is near the end of September. We are so blessed by all our adult children. For each of them we give thanks and pray they will draw near to Christ and know the joy of a life in Him.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Wine Report July 2012

Life in the vineyard has been good. The month of June started with several of us helping in a Habitat for Humanity Project. This was a Blitz Build which meant that professional teams worked on it for free and it was done in less than a week! The day we volunteered we spent most of the day as the clean up crew, making sure the work site was clear of debris. It was still fun working with a team and observing the house go up before us in very little time. The house is near downtown and about 1 1/2 miles from where we meet on Sunday morning. A great lesson in how cooperation and volunteerism can do wonderful things.
I wonder if sometimes we think too small when it comes to changing our community. It reminds me of an admonition I once heard: "Dream Big, Think Big, Do Great things for God." This is not about building mega churches, but it is about us, not limiting our thinking, when God is really in charge. Pray that New Wine people not limit what we might expect we or the Lord could do.
Last month one of our church members lost a younger brother to suicide. Though the funeral was several hours away, several of us went to the funeral to stand along side our brother and his family in this time of tragic loss. I over heard one of our church members explaining to the family when asked why we came saying: "This is what we do." This is what we do when the Lord puts His love for the family of God in our hearts. I do not wish this kind of tragedy on anyone, but God often uses these hard times in our life to bring out the best in the people of God. Our God is a God of redemption.

Our Wednesday Cell group hosted a summer picnic featuring Flint's famous Koegel Hot Dogs. Nearly 40 people were served at the Davison senior apartment complex. Deb even played old favorites on her flute for entertainment. If it is all about relationships, this gathering that blessed our neighbors goes a long way in making inviting people to the cell groups a lot easier. These pre-cell gatherings soften the ground for relationship based invitations. This Cell group is studying the book of "Samuel" this summer and it has proved to be very interesting for those who attend. At the same time our Tuesday Griefshare group finished up at Roxbury in Clio. We have decided to try another gathering as we study the topic of the nature of heaven. This new session will start up the end of August/beginning of September after we throw an introduction picnic like they did in Davison.

There is nothing like sharing your story of God's work in your life. It is powerful and often invigorates you when you share. One Thursday night last month three of us travelled about an hour southeast from Flint to Clarkston and met with a pastor and leaders from a new work that began in January. They are building their Lutheran Church called "The Gathering Place" around a similar model to ours. We could see how our story encouraged and challenged them. We look forward to future times of contact and sharing as we proclaim the goodness of God.

A final noteworthy event from June was the ordination of Michael Cupp, the new church planter in Grand Rapids. New Wine sponsored Mike and Amy in their discernment process. The ordination in the world's eyes may have been small, but for the Kingdom we believe this was a big event. Mike makes several trips a month to GR and he and his family are looking to relocate if the Lord opens up the doors. Pray with us for Mike, Amy and their three small boys as they follow the Lord in this new venture.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Gathering Places

Jesus said "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matt 18:20) Thus we can surmise that when we gather together we are always sitting down with Jesus in our midst. I am thinking of several of those gathering places as I write.

Monthly area pastors have been invited by the mayor of Flint, Dayne Walling, to pray with him in his city hall chambers. I suspect the young mayor is desperate enough to tap every group and power available to try to move the city forward. Whether the mayor or others understand, Jesus is in this gathering too. Frankly, I wish I too would be filled with an ever deep sense of His presence in our gatherings. How would that change the ways we address each other? How would we spend our time differently if we could see the Lord gathering with us? Or how would our prayers change if we truly understood how close the Lord was in the time?
I like thinking of taking Jesus with me in my daily encounters. I can envision him at the Elbowroom Coffee shop each Monday where I meet with Pat and Jim, my accountability partners. We are each serious about the ministries Jesus has called us to. I think I need to pull up the "empty chair" more often to remind us of the Lord's presence and keep us thinking about others we should invite to our gatherings.

I can even see Him in the midst of our trustee meeting held at the Westside Diner. I love having church business meetings with our trustees in a "greasy spoon". It is great being interrupted by one of our regular waitresses who have even shared prayer needs with us. I actually think this is a business meeting the Lord likes to attend.

The church is always gathering is it not? Many limit their thinking and practice to only meeting on Sunday morning. The reality is that the people of God who are passionate about serving the Lord are gathering much more than 2 hours on a Sunday.

Just the other night three of us from New Wine met with the leadership team of a new Lutheran Church in Clarkston, Michigan (about an hours drive from where we live). They call themselves "The Gathering Place".  What a joy it was to share with the group. They just kicked-off this new work in February. They are doing many of the things we have been living out the past seven years. They have rented some space below a Liquor Store and Tanning Salon. Part of their gathering space, just as you walk in, is a living room area. This greeting space is warm and welcoming and fits with their vision banner "we do church in your living room". Another space is dedicated to a play space for kids while the remaining space is partitioned off for small group study and seminar space for programs like Financial Peace and Griefshare. It was a great joy to encourage them as they start this new work. It was a joy to recount how Christ has grown us and met with us as we have gathered through these early years of church life.

May we ever grow in our sense that when we gather, Christ is in our midst.