Since I last wrote we have had a very
encouraging time of ministry and changes in the Kulchar Family. New
Wine is now officially under the Anglican Church of North America
(ACNA) and a member of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes. We
are looking for our first visit from Bishop Roger Ames the first
weekend of February 2013. We officially changed our affiliation with
a congregational vote at our Annual meeting the end of November.
This has not changed what we do on the ground here in Flint, but has
united us with a larger community of Anglican churches in the
mid-west. We now celebrate our common vision of planting new
churches that reach out to our community with the Good News of Christ
and serve people as we seek healing and wholeness in all our lives.
Each of our cell groups this fall
continue to focus on Discipleship and Ministry. Our Monday cell
completed a study of the Celtic way of doing church. Their
relational emphasis of mission focuses on belonging before believing
and has challenged us to be more creative in connecting intentionally
with our neighbors. Several in our cell are involved in a clothes
closet and food pantry in Flushing. Two of us have been helping
coach volunteers in looking for ministry opportunities in their time
of service. This coaching role has allowed us to hear many special
"God moments" in the lives of volunteers and allowed us to
help encourage this ministry to do so more intentionally and
Another cell group in a senior
apartment complex north of Flint completed a topical study on heaven.
Though attendance was sporadic it is apparent that our presence has
allowed us to establish several new relationships which is
encouraging spiritual growth in the lives in the building. Our
Wednesday Cell, which also meeting in an apartment building had over
20 in attendance last week. This cell is talking about expanding to
a neighboring apartment complex. Healthy cells multiply. Who said
seniors can not have a missional vision and spirit?
The young adult coffee house ministry on Fridays just finished up its Fall gatherings. As a result of a good working relationship with Riverside Tabernacle (Assembly of God) on this project, a new partnership will begin in January. We are moving our Sunday gathering to nest in Riverside's building located within walking distance of our current location. Pastor Tom Mattuzio and his board have agreed to allow us to use one of their large classrooms during their service time. This will allow us to share nursery and toddler ministry with them. We celebrate and publicly announce our move in February marked by the Bishop's visit. Pray for us in this new relationship and that this will bless both congregations as we share space and ministry together.
Finally, I recently visited Mike Cupp
and his family on the west side of the state. They have launched
their new work "Grand Rapids Anglican Church" (GRAC) which
I fondly call "Grace". They have been blessed with use of
an unused Catholic rectory minutes from downtown. One cannot walk
away without sensing the Lord's favor on this work. New Wine
sponsored Mike and Amy as they began this process. It was so
exciting to see it in its infant stages finally getting off the
ground. Before I preached the sermon I presented those gathered a
bottle of wine as a gift from New Wine to be used at the Lord's
Table. There is great joy in the birth of a new ministry.
Personally we are overjoyed at the
birth of our first grandchild, Asa Owen Kulchar. He was born the end
of September. At the same time, we are in the midst of a very
difficult situation with some of our extended family, much of which
is out of our control or ability to resolve. We have sensed once
again that amidst times that are good spiritual times, the enemy
looks for ways to hassle us, our family or the ministry. For this
reason we continue to covet your prayers.