Several of our
fellowship have gone to more warmer climates this time of year.
Florida and Arizona seem to be the favored locations. Some may see
this as a flight from the snow and cold, but we prefer to see them as
missionaries to the South.
Seriously, it does a
pastor's heart good to hear reports of ministry happening from those
who travel afar. We do feel their absence. Unfortunately our
average Sunday attendance of 2015 is only around 16. But we are
also encouraged to hear reports of how our traveling folks are
constantly encountering “God-moments” on their journeys. One
person is involved in leading a Bible study while others find
witnessing opportunities while staying with friends and family on the
way. One of our folks even helped in a project to create a
“baptismal font” for a new Anglican church.
For those left to
hold down the fort amid the cold and snow we still find many ministry
opportunities here in Genesee County. One of our cell groups has
changed its location this winter to accommodate a couple who due to
aging issues cannot get out much in the winter. They have now
brought a “house church” to them and all are blessed. Another
group has gained a new person who after being very active in their
church had recently been rather isolated and uninvolved. They now
have joined the group and report a freshness to their spiritual life.
Yet another our cell groups which has been lead by our church
members is being lead by non-members while they are away for the
winter. We will hold our Ash Wednesday Service with this group in
which over a dozen participants who are not from New Wine will be
joining us as we mark the beginning of Lent.
It has been a
difficult season for the work and me personally. Last year I
returned to bi-vocational work by working 2 days at the Flint Farmers
market selling cheese. Time away from direct ministry is hard for me
when I know so much more can be done for the Kingdom. (“The harvest
is plentiful...”) We have also seen several folks leave the
fellowship for various reasons which is sad and their absence is
deeply felt. At the beginning of the year I quit the cheese shop and
a unique opportunity presented itself in the form of a Hospice
Chaplain position. I applied and was accepted, but soon into the
training it was apparent that the demands of the work were just not
going to allow me to do Hospice, New Wine and my work with South
Haven. After much soul searching and prayer, I have chosen to focus
only on New Wine and Holy Trinity. The combined income from these
two churches will allow us to meet our living expenses. We are
grateful and I have found a renewed passion and energy towards
focusing only on parish ministry!
Just last week a
parishioner shared a sense of seeing some long awaited fruit about to
spring forth. A young couple has recently started attending and a
few other relationships are showing promise. The work with South
Haven is entering a new busy phase as they are accepting applications
for their new rector. I have already started the vetting process
while coaching them through the early interview stage. This is an
exciting time.
Please keep New Wine
and Holy Trinity in your prayers. We need discernment concerning
what will be ahead once our ministry with South Haven is completed.
Pray for a season of growth and renewed health and wisdom to the
right things at the right time.