The Trustees and I asked our dear
Bishop to postpone his scheduled annual visit on March 9th to later
this year. Several key members of our fellowship will not be here
and we would prefer for him to come later this year to ordain Jim
Sartor our first Permanent Deacon. Jim is still in the process of
"reading for orders" but hopes to complete the work soon.
We have requested that he be ordained here in Flint, which is not the
practice at this point in our Diocese, but we see this as an outreach
event, since we anticipate a large number of Jim and Barbs friends to
attend. We hope to hold his ordination at Riverside the end of
Spring or early Summer.
After a season of prayer and searching,
a door has opened for me to work 2 days a week at the Flint City
Market. Paul Hills, who some may know, is owner of a small cheese
counter there. With the advent in May of a new location of the
market for both downtown and one out in Davison, Paul was looking for
additional help. If the trial period works for both of us, I will be
soon known as "The New Wine & Cheese Man". Hope to
see some of you soon at the cheese counter. I am looking forward to
this being a time of meeting many new people through new enterprise
on Tuesday and Thursdays each week.
Our Tuesday Night "Celtic Cell"
group has been really trying to put some feet on what they have been
studying the last few months. Currently they are looking for
creative ways of engaging pre-Christians by strategically finding
venues where it is easy to meet or invite folks to join us. Since
the start of the year the group has been going to the Flint Institute
of Art FOMA (Friends of Modern Art) Film series on Friday nights.
Most are Indy or Foreign Films, which prove to be great discussion
starters. Each week after the Film a group gathers at a home or
local eatery for food and discussion. It has been very good.
These are great opportunities to build relationships that may have
Kingdom implications. If you want to join the fun give Rob Robertson
a call. (810 919-5660)