Saturday, November 29, 2014

Listening Day Summary - Nov 2014


THE TABLE - by Calvin Miller

In this secluded place I meet a King
He comes alone to drink reality
With me. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we sit
And sip a life that passes by the crowd.
As inwardness is born--a felt thing
Of power--a commonality of grace--
A union where untended hopes are knit
Where silence roars as quiet sings aloud.
Oh Christ, I love it here! It is our place.
Speak loud or not. Touch me or not. Show then
Your will or bid me wait in patient grace.
Fill all my hungry need with joy again.
With simple loaves of bread and chaliced wine
Heaven, earth, and all of God are mine

As most of our New Wine fellowship gathered together on a late November Saturday at Mt. Zion Center for a quiet day retreat we gathered around the Lord’s Table to start the day.

This was the third Listening Day of 2014.  Each day  carried its own theme as set by the Spirit.  The first was a word to “walk” with the Lord as we engage the culture and attempt to be agents of healing and restoration.  The second to “love deeper and work harder” as we keep our relationships with Him first.  At Saturday’s gathering the Spirit seemed to be saying “be present” with the Lord.  It seemed to be an invitation to “come to the table of presence” and just rest in Him.

A prophetic word was shared in our debriefing time was:

“The time has come -Pray.  Pray with Me.  Seek My face.  Hear My voice that you may do My bidding.  You are My beloved children.  I am with you and will not fail you.  Go out now with My blessing”   

17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength  20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms.  (Eph 1:17-20)

“Now is the time to pray” seemed to be the message of the day.  Come to My table not just occasionally but regularly.  This is not the time to get lax or to think just because your time seemed none productive to give up.  The Father is calling us to the table.  “Sometimes we talk, sometimes we sit.”    

When Dave+ first sat down in quiet the words that came to mind in a very strong way was “Sit down we need to talk”.   This was not just a one time imperative,  this is a call to a season of intense and disciplined meeting, will we be obedient?   Will we heed the call to come to the table?   Not just literally each Sunday morning but regularly, daily, perhaps even more than our current habit.   If we want to hear God we need to be listening?  What does that mean for you?

We read several texted about gathering at the table.  Exodus 25:23-30 which was a description of the Table of Presence located at the heart of the Tabernacle.  Psalm 78:17-22 an account of Israel’s rebellion or resistance to meeting with the Father, doubting if God would be faithful to His promise  to be near.   Luke 14:12-23  reaffirmed the Father’s desire to invite not just Israel but all who believed to His table which includes us.  Then a picture of our final destination in eternity of being at the Table of the Lord was read from Revelation 19:6-9.

Are we really serious about meeting with the Lord.  “Sometimes we talk, sometimes we sit…Speak loud or not. Touch me or not. Show then Your will or bid me wait in patient grace.”

There was a power demonstration of the significance of our gathering around the table together when we literally engaged in the Eucharistic Prayer around the altar at Mt. Zion.  All pressed near, some even touch the altar and held tight.  As we prayed our voices seem strong and united much more than our normal experience of worship.   There seemed to be a very real sense of His presence and our presence together as His children.

During our sharing time after our time of quiet retreat.  There seemed to be consensus that  we need to be particularly intentional about gathering together in the weeks and months ahead.  (As Pat suggested:  “To-Gather To-Gether”)   Hence we will try to be intentional about increasing our opportunities  to gather.  Someone has since suggested we have “Prayer and Feasting” gatherings to pray and break bread together perhaps on Sundays or even at peoples homes.  Also it was suggested  when we gather that we try to “worship in the beauty of holiness” which may get work out in being intentional about what our worship space looks like.   

Some felt like this time was a very sweet time. Others were distracted or unable to focus and felt like they “heard” very little.  Perhaps the lesson or the invitations from our day is “I want you to just come”!   Do not neglect the gathering of the brethren which is the habit of some, and make it a regular habit to come to His table in your quiet daily devotional time or on Sundays with the brethren of New Wine.  Or even when you meet with brothers and sisters in your small groups.  The word of the day was “Come”.  If we are obedient we may be surprised to see what happens.   


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Wine Report - Aug 2014

The summer is flying by at New Wine Mission. The work at the Farmer's Market is still providing many new opportunities for connecting and reconnecting with people I have met through the years. I work two 9 hour shifts on Tuesday and Thursday. I have served local politicians and many long lost friends from days as soccer-dad in the bleachers. Each encounter allows me a chance to update them on family and ministry. I have had several significant lunch break conversations with unfamiliar guests at the market. All three of my co-workers have been connected with New Wine in some way over the years. (Remember it is all about RELATIONSHIPS!) This work is currently helping fill the financial gap in our support in the church budget this spring, but I can see its strategic value as well.

We had a wonderful visit from Bishop Roger Ames this month. We had a dinner in which we shared with him our joys and challenges at New Wine and heard his excitement about new work being done around the diocese. A highlight was to hear how moved he was in participating in the selection of the Anglican Church in North America Archbishop. Archbishop Foley Beach has already stepped into service and recently called us to a season of prayer for the suffering in the Middle-East, especially the persecuted Christians there, some of whom are dying for their beliefs. Roger sees Foley as being the right person, at right moment, for our new Province.

This summer one of our members and I have been led to put together a Sunday afternoon chapel service at her senior apartment complex in Clio. We call it “Roxbury Abbey” and we have been having between 6 and 12 people in attendance. Our hope is to continue through the fall. Peggy will lead an Evening Prayer on weeks that myself or Fr. Pat Self can not administer the sacrament. One resident remarked “I am 93 and people do not realize how hard it is for me to get out. This service is such a blessing to me on Sunday afternoon.” Our emphasis is engaging them in prayer and thanksgiving, and providing a chance for anointing with oil and healing prayer.

Our Monday Cell group has suspended our regular gathering for the Summer and have been gathering for special activities like “Flushing Concerts In the Park”. We are currently thinking about how to reconfigure for the fall and ways we can connect with new people. One of our couples is considering offering a 6 week gathering to talk with couples about how to strengthen their marriages. Again our hopes are to connect with people beyond our fellowship to help them grow closer to each other and the Lord.

Our Wednesday Cell hosted a summer picnic at Taecken's Terrace Apartments where they meet. They have since seen some new people involved in their study on Paul's letter to the Romans. One gentleman lives in the area but not the apartment. This is the kind of expansion we have been hoping and praying for.

Our small music team is very thrilled to add another musician to the mix. Elise, who has come and visited several times over the year, has joined our team adding both her voice and viola to the mix. She just finished her associates degree at Mott Community College and is considering her next move. We are grateful she is willing to contribute her beautiful gifts to the worship experience of our Sunday Celebration.

This fall is a critical period in our ability to continue the work here in Flint. Please pray for significant numerical and spiritual growth this fall.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Green is for Growth

Today we changed all the hangings in our simple worship space in the back room of Riverside Assembly of God to "Green".  Thanks to the handy work of Judy Self we added to the hangings this year which helps make a stark room warm.  This long Pentecost Season needs to be one of growth. Green is the color of growth.   God is moving and leading us to new people.  We are praying that we will see some come along side us and we them for more than just a visit or a short period of ministry.  "Lord, please grow your church!"

I am seeing growth.  Karen just returned from a short term mission trip to Jaurez.  She shared today how God used her in unexpected ways.  She thought she would spend most of her time "painting or light construction", but she was asked to help teach dozen of women sowing skills on donated machines.  She was blessed more than words could express.  The picture is the fruit of one of her days of labor.  Don't focus on the "pillow cases" but the smiles on the women's faces.  She said the team even had a chance to share the gospel and see several of the ladies asking Jesus into their hearts.   They were growing but so was Karen and the short term mission team.  "Lord, please help us serve so your church can grow."

Nick and I had a chance to help out the Anglican ministry in Holland, Michigan one day last week with a rehab project in a older area of the town.  They are working on starting a faith community, by living in a neighborhood and contributing to neighborhood revitalization projects like renovations, community gardens, and simple worship and study gatherings. As we serve we grow.  As we grow we encourage those around us to grow as well.   We helped install a ledger board for a new deck as a second crew was preparing to side the house.  It is looking really good.  "Lord, help us serve others with words and deeds as we grow and others may want to grow too."

We like to celebrate at New Wine.  No better reason for a party but to celebrate with June Olson and her family a very significant birthday milestone.  Good food,  good drink and sitting out on the front porch of a grand old home in Owosso (June's niece's home) made for a great afternoon together.  We have found that times of fellowship and food, lend themselves to conversations a about life and loves.  For Jesus people,  we often talk about faith.  So we have had a good start to the summer celebration season. "Lord, help our conversations and celebration focus more on You and less on us.  Help us grow relationally."

As we try to grow in our faith we are asking the Lord to bring into our circle people who want to walk with us.  At the same time we have come to understand that more and more we need to go out looking for ways to meet people in their circle of friends and family.   Let the celebration begin that the Kingdom may grow!  Green is for growth.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

March For Marriage

Today, many will gather in Washington for the “March for Marriage” in support of upholding a traditional definition of marriage in our legal system.  For those who understand that homosexual, bisexual and transexual behavior is morally wrong, it is offensive to redefine “marriage” to mean anything other than a legal commitment between a man and a woman.  We believe it threatens a divinely inspired social order that is best for  stable homes and healthy human relationships that inspires commitment, bodily health, and emotional stability of the family and society.  

In a post-Christian pluralistic culture, does there need to be some legal protection for those who embrace a different view?  Perhaps our legislature needs to compromise with the establishment of “Civil Unions” but in doing so we recognize that we then lessen moral standards of our country and may inadvertently  be promoting moral confusion.  We have already lessoned our standards in other areas such are the sanctity of human life, pornography, gambling, etc.  “Civil Unions” would at least maintain the distinction between a traditional understanding of marriage and a new liberal definition being pushed through our government at this time.

Pray for our legislators.  Pray for a spiritual awakening and moral revival that would reestablish Christian moral values to our nation.   Pray for people that they may find health and salvation in the ways of the Lord and not be deceived by the liberal ways of the world.   

Monday, June 16, 2014

Listening Day Summary - June 2014

New Wine Listening Day
June 14, 2014

Unlike previous Listening Days this one was not a stand alone event.  It was the culmination of two weeks of Prayer and Fasting.  We had been praying about the future of New Wine and for revival in our church, community and the wider Anglican work in Michigan and the USA.

After Morning Prayer, we spent a little over an hour in quiet and listening prayer.  We then gathered and shared what we felt the Lord was saying to us individually and to us as a church.  Here is a summary of some of what was said.


Zephaniah 3:17   “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.  He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”  

Like a beautiful bouquet of fresh picked daisies, the Lord has draw us together and delights over us.  A visiter to our fellowship recently described us as “Concentrated Preciousness.”   Sometimes when you are in the midst of it you cannot see it.    It seems the Lord wanted us to hear that we are His delight,  His beloved ones.  This is a life changing thought that we are precious, a delight to God!  


Psalm 105:4 “Look to the Lord and his strength: seek his face always.”

Keep the main thing the main thing.  “God does not usually reveal a plan but God reveals Himself”.   It is all about relationships, so as we “seek His face” the mission and direction of our fellowship will come out of our time spent daily in study, prayer, worship and listening.  

Our mission is clear:  Jesus said “Go and make disciples of all nations”. (Matt. 28:19) 
Our method is simple:  By loving God & loving people (“All about relationships”)
Start near, go far, be intentional.   

3 Key Texts:  

1)  Hebrews 10:18-25      A Call to Persevere - Five exhortations: 
v.22: “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart…..”
v.23: “Let us hold unswervingly to the faith…..”
v.24: “….spur one another on toward love & good deeds”.
v.25: “Let us not give up meeting together….”
v.25: “…let us encourage one another 

2) 2 Timothy 4:5:  A Call to Endurance and Mission
“…keep your head in all situations…” 
“…endure hardship…”
“…do the work of an evangelist….”

3) Proverbs 16  A Call to Keep Our Relationship with God First
(vs 3) “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed”.
(vs 9)  “In his heart a man plans his course,  but the Lord determines his steps”.


“Fear not!”  for fear is the work of the enemy.   Trust in the Lord for He is near.  He is with us.
Part of the His commission “to go” is the promise that He will be with us “even to the end of the age.”   

Do not go alone.  We have each been given gifts and talents.  We are called to sing a new song, but the song sounds better and stronger when done together.   Like a bouquet that magnifies the beauty of a single flower, so we too strengthen and make each other more beautiful.  Celebrate our gifts.  Encourage all to offer their best efforts to the work.  Support one another in mission and ministry so that our song rings out clearly to those whom the Father is trying to reach.  


Matthew 3:2  “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

Often in times of revival, which are rooted in prayer, the call to repent is one of the first words that comes forth.  This day the call was first to:

1)  “Come out from the dark to shine the light of God’s love”

We need to each keep our heart pure before the Lord.  Inviting Him to purge us from all darkness.  You know where the darkness lurks in your life.  Call out to God and ask Him to work in you strength, courage and power to resist the darkness and to be set free from the power of sin, which you hate.

2)  Repent of what we have left undone.  

There have been times we have not stepped up and used our gifts for the work of the kingdom.  We have turned our back on ministry opportunities.  We have not asked for more gifts for the work of the Kingdom.  For this we must repent!  

3) Proclaim the work of God you see.

This exhortation came in the following prophetic word given below in the form of a “Call” and “Response”:

CALL: Lord, you have gathered so many of us that have traveled long with you. Sometimes it seems that though we are filled with belief we still tend to ease back into a "been there-done that" approach. I perceive that we love you with our whole heart, but not each other. Too often we go our separate ways and our lives are too busy to give you our full attention. We are, all the same, expectant that you will act, perhaps in spite of us, and you will grow your Church at New Wine.

RESPONSE: You wait on Me, but when I act you barely take notice. It is as if it is enough just to be expectant without ever acknowledging My movement about you. There is great need for you to reach out, speak out, and make Me known among the people, even those who already bear my name.

I am doing a new thing, (I ALWAYS DO A NEW THING), but so few of you perceive it. Turn to Me and seek My face, worship Me only and know that I am God, the one who formed you and has led you to this place. Draw close and walk with Me, not as churchmen do, all stiff in their pews, but as My loving children. Hold My hand and take notice of the things I show you as we walk together. Love and care for those whom we meet. BE PERSISTENT!

Spend time with Me and know that I will not fail you; that all will work for My glory.


It seems like New Wine has been stuck as of late.  But something is already happening.  Since our call to prayer there have been several new people coming across our path. Some visiting the church, others inquiring about our work and mission.  A dream was shared by Pastor Dave+ of hauling a truck load of buffalo  (not dainty little sheep) but majestic, powerful and yet non-threatening creatures.  The truck gets stuck in the mud.  The truck is freed only after the buffalo are released.  Even though one was seen with a wound, in order to move forward they must all be released and sent out.  

We suspect this was more than a silly dream but a call for us to get off the truck!  Each of us must step out in ministry, despite our wounds.  Each must boldly exercise our gifts and minister in word and deed to those around us.  We cannot hold back.   Go deep with the Lord.  Draw near to Him and out of that deepening relationship give and pour yourself out for the sake of others.  


The Spirit was definitely saying be persistent, it is not time for New Wine to close its doors.  We are called to repent for work left undone.  We are invited, even called, to love deeper and work harder.   That work starts and flows out of us each working on pursuing after the “face of God”, not half heartedly, but whole heartedly.   Fruit has come since we have focused on prayer.  Therefore, do not let up on your conversation with God on behalf of the church, the city, the wider church and our pastor and church leaders.   Ask for and look for moments to demonstrate love to those who are near you and even those who are far off.  Be intentional.  Boldly share at church and in the world where you see God working.

“My children, I am at work.  I am always working,  Join me in my work, at the market or in the church.  Are your needs met?  Switch your thinking.  Mission is everywhere; your home, your neighborhood; your work, everywhere.  I’m not done working yet.”  

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Godly Advice for New Wine

One of our member found 3 text full of advice for a church like NEW WINE:

Passage in Hebrews 10: A Call to Persevere (18-25)
Five exhortations: 
v.22: “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart…..”
v.23: “Let us hold unswervingly to the faith…..”
v.24: “….spur one another on toward love & good deeds”.
v.25: “Let us not give up meeting together….”
v.25: “…let us encourage one another

2Timothy 4:5: (Actually, v.1-5, but I only picked upon the 5th verse this morning).

“…keep your head in all situations…”                “…endure hardship…”
“…do the work of an evangelist….”
“…discharge all the duties of your ministry…”

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed”.
16:9  “In his heart a man plans his course,  but the Lord determines his steps”.

Another New Wine member reminded us that it is not about a PLAN but it is always about our relationship with the Father.

Call & Response - June 14th

A prophetic encounter.

Rob shared this Word that is quite challenging.  Please read through it at least 3 times.  Test the Spirit.  How is what is said Biblical?  How does it speak to you?  What is your response and what action step do you feel led to take?


Lord, you have gathered so many of us that have traveled long with you. Sometimes it seems that though we are filled with belief we still tend to ease back into a "been there-done that" approach. I perceive that we love you with our whole heart, but not each other. Too often we go our separate ways and our lives are too busy to give you our full attention. We are, all the same, expectant that you will act, perhaps in spite of us, and you will grow your Church at New Wine.


You wait on me, but when I act you barely take notice. It is as if it is enough just to be expectant without ever acknowledging my movement about you. There is great need for you to reach out, speak out, and make me known among the people, even those who already bear my name.

I am doing a new thing, (I ALWAYS DO A NEW THING), but so few of you perceive it. 

Turn to me and seek my face, worship me only and know that I am God, the one who formed you and has led you to this place. Draw close and walk with me, not as churchmen do, all stiff in their pews, but as my loving children. Hold my hand and take notice of the things I show you as we walk together. Love and care for those whom we meet. BE PERSISTENT! 

Spend time with me and know that I will not fail you; that all will work for my glory.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Call to Prayer - Week #2

We have been fasting and praying in various ways for over a week.  We have cried out.  Guide New Wine as we move forward.  Direct our path and our work.  Send revival on our small church, our city and even the wider church.  Bless other Anglican missions in Michigan and raise up Godly leaders.

If last week was intercession, let this week find us listening.  "Speak, Lord, for you servants are listening!"  As you sit quietly before the Lord, what Bible text does He bring to mind?  What visions or dreams does He inspire?  What words and phrases does He place in your mind for you and for the church?

Today, I prayed for the sick in body and spirit as I delivered some frozen meals  to one of our members who is in a state of recovery after  a stint in the hospital.  They were blessed and your pastor had a taste of what it feels like to be a "pizza delivery man".   Blessed are the feet of him who brings good news (and bearer of the gifts of the saints)!

As you continue to walk and pray.  As you intercede on behalf of your family, friends and neighbors. As you meet in cell groups for worship, study and prayer seek His face while He wills to be found.  Call upon his name and the promise is He will draw near.

Join us next Saturday from 9am to 1pm at Mt. Zion Catholic Community Center in Flushing for a time of "listening prayer" and sharing as we seek the Lord together.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

New Wine Report - June 2014

At New Wine Anglican Mission this month we have entered into a Season of Prayer and Fasting.  We are praying about our future,  for an Awakening in our church and the people around us.  We are praying for revival in our community and praying for  growth in the wider church in Michigan.  

Honestly one of the most critical issues that we are bringing before the Lord is the question of  what lies ahead for this mission.  We were birthed in the summer of 2005 and are coming up on 9 years of ministry as an Anglican Church plant.  Our story has been a constant testimony of God’s provision.  He has used us to impact one life at a time and I could list several dozen names of people we have impacted, two of which even went off to seminary.  Our focus has been all about building relationships.  We have been building relationships with each other and relationships with the Lord.

As pastor I have seen us at our peak of numerical outreach impacting over 50 people at one time involved in several small groups while our maximum Sunday was only around 25.   Presently we are only gathering around 18 or so on a Sunday and our groups around 25.  

Practically this reduction has impacted our support.  A few months ago I started part-time work selling cheese at the Flint Farmers Market.  With the opening of a second counter in the area this will mean I will be working 2 days a week outside the ministry.  We hope this is only a temporary stop-gap solution required to make up for a reduction of $460 a month in church pay.

New Wine must grow numerically and financially in order for Deb and I to stay the course in this work.  New Wine can continue without us, but as we have experienced, there are always changes in the comings and goings of our church community.  More of our members are traveling away in winter months, reducing a sustainable level of involvement.  Without a permanent pastoral presence, it may be difficult to maintain a sustainable mission community in Flint.

Please pray for the Mission and for us as we look at what is ahead for our life together. 

Interestingly, since I announced our season of prayer, we have had several new people come to Sunday worship.  I even had one long-time acquaintance express a desire to talk about meeting since he has recently been looking for a new church home.  In this same period several friends of members have come to visit and I have been following up with one on one contacts.  This rise in interest has encouraged me, suggesting to me  that we are on the right track to be “on our knees” as we seek God’s favor and guidance.   

I end with an encouraging note.  A person joined our fellowship about a year ago.  Seeking to reconnect spiritually, and hurting after the end of bad relationship,  they found themselves connecting with New Wine.   Over the year it has been our joy to see this person grow and develop in their faith as a result of worshiping with us and joining a cell group.  They have sought mentoring type relationships and readily confess a new sense of peace and well being as they celebrate this first year at New Wine.  God has been working and we rejoice in these relational victories.  This seemed to be a reminder to me that “this is what disciple making is all about”.  The Lord suggested at our last Listening Retreat that this would be a year of “Healing and Restoration”.  

Keep us in your prayers as we work in the vineyard of the Lord at New Wine this summer.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Saving Station"?

Note from a church member:

Prior to the "official," time of prayer and fasting, I asked friend of mine to pray with us,( that would be New Wine) and for us, (again, N.W.) concerning our situation at our small church! I did not tell her much, only that we were having 2 weeks of fasting and prayer, seeking the Lord as to His direction for the church! I actually, did not even mention the church by name! Anyway, as I was getting ready to send you that web site last evening,my friend, Louise, who is about 80 yrs old, from Arizona, we have prayed for each other many times over several years! 

She sent me an email, among some personal remarks about her health and things of that nature, things not really pertaining to the prayer request, she sent the following comments, as a"word of encouragement" (She knows nothing about how "It's all about relationships!" Our unofficial slogan for our church!)  She said, "I will be praying with you to God to make His plans for your "little church," to become a "saving station," for the ones with wrecked lives that are just waiting for someone to care for them!" I started to sob at those words!

Anyway, she went on to say," Perhaps, there will be a little larger group, or church, that our church can join and pool all of our resources together? "There is sooo much work to be done and so little time to get the job done!" "We both know God is Very interested in "good relationships!" ( it' all about relationships) We are "His Church!" Anyway thought that I should send this along to you.. That one sentence," become a "saving station, for..other waiting for someone to care for them!" Hope this is encouraging? Anyway, sending it along!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Prayer Starts with Loving God

Here is an article that Jim Sartor found that spoke to him as he began his time of prayer this week.   As he and I discussed it, the idea of "Delighting in the Lord" as a place to begin and even end got us really thinking.  We think it might challenge you too!

The article was written in 1995 by Rev. John Piper:  "Loving God for Who He Is"

Friday, May 30, 2014

Season of Prayer - June 1-14

Season Of Prayer and Fasting
New Wine Mission 
June 1-14, 2014

Please commit yourself to extra time of prayer and fasting during this 2 week period.
Pray specifically about the issues listed below.
Fast from a common activity, food or behavior whose absence will remind you to pray.
It is suggested that you keep a prayer journal of things you pray for and things you hear.
Share insights, visions, dreams from your time of prayer with Dave+ to post on our blog.
Conclude your time of Special Prayer at our Listening Day,  June 14  (9am-1pm)

4 Prayer Targets


Seek the Lord about the future of New Wine Mission (continue, close, part-time clergy?)
Intercede for Dave+ & Deb for financial provision since their support has been cut $460/mo.
What ministry are you to continue to do and what future work is He calling you to do?


Pray for a Season of Spiritual Awakening and  a powerful move of God in our midst.
Ask for numerical growth as well as spiritual growth in our church.
Specifically we ask for new families with children.
                   we ask for mature Christians who can plant new Cell groups
      we ask for conversion of the nominal and seeking that will result in baptism.
Bless every effort we make in contact making & relationship building activities.
Bless new opportunities to serve and bless those in need arounds us.
Help us be agents to help plant new works in our surrounding area (Fenton, Bay City, etc.)


Pray for a Spiritual Awakening in the Flint Area.
Ask for more cooperation between area churches
Seek God’s blessing on Riverside Tabernacle our host church and their pastoral team.
Help us find ways for our Cell groups to bless and add value to our communities.
Pray against the powers of darkness that are at work in our community
Ask for favor on Flint in the secular (more new jobs) and the spiritual (time of revival)
Bless the mayor and other community leaders
Protect those who serve this community (police, firemen, maintenance crews)


Ask For God’s blessings on other Anglican Churches in Michigan:  Lapeer, DeWit, Livonia, Brighton, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo,  South Haven, Free Soil, and Petoskey.  

Pray for our Bishop Roger and all others in the Anglican Church in North America as they select a new Archbishop (June 25-28) to lead the Province in the new phase of our mission.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bishop, Cheese & Flims

The Trustees and I asked our dear Bishop to postpone his scheduled annual visit on March 9th to later this year. Several key members of our fellowship will not be here and we would prefer for him to come later this year to ordain Jim Sartor our first Permanent Deacon. Jim is still in the process of "reading for orders" but hopes to complete the work soon. We have requested that he be ordained here in Flint, which is not the practice at this point in our Diocese, but we see this as an outreach event, since we anticipate a large number of Jim and Barbs friends to attend. We hope to hold his ordination at Riverside the end of Spring or early Summer.

After a season of prayer and searching, a door has opened for me to work 2 days a week at the Flint City Market. Paul Hills, who some may know, is owner of a small cheese counter there. With the advent in May of a new location of the market for both downtown and one out in Davison, Paul was looking for additional help. If the trial period works for both of us, I will be soon known as "The New Wine & Cheese Man". Hope to see some of you soon at the cheese counter. I am looking forward to this being a time of meeting many new people through new enterprise on Tuesday and Thursdays each week.

Our Tuesday Night "Celtic Cell" group has been really trying to put some feet on what they have been studying the last few months. Currently they are looking for creative ways of engaging pre-Christians by strategically finding venues where it is easy to meet or invite folks to join us. Since the start of the year the group has been going to the Flint Institute of Art FOMA (Friends of Modern Art) Film series on Friday nights. Most are Indy or Foreign Films, which prove to be great discussion starters. Each week after the Film a group gathers at a home or local eatery for food and discussion. It has been very good. These are great opportunities to build relationships that may have Kingdom implications. If you want to join the fun give Rob Robertson a call. (810 919-5660)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Wine Listening Day - Jan 2014

The Biblical promise is "when two or three are gathered together in Jesus name" Jesus is in the midst of us. One way is He is more "visible". The Spirit is working making us more like Jesus. So we think like Jesus. So we speak like Jesus. So we act like Jesus. Therefore when Jesus' followers gather together there is a very real sense that we have a better chance to see Jesus manifest in our midst as we see Him in each other.

Saturday January 18 we were gathering in Jesus name. About a dozen of us set aside the morning to pray, worship and listen. We started with using the Morning Prayer liturgy and daily lessons assigned for the day. They were:

Genesis 6:9-22 (God's instructions to Noah)
Psalm 20 (Song of God the Victor)
Hebrews 4:1-13 (God's Rest and God's Word)
John 2:13-22 (Account of Jesus Cleansing the Temple)

We then retreated for quiet reflection and meditation. Upon returning the following thoughts were shared. This is simply one perspective of our time together:

One pervading theme was that we were being reminded that "God was walking with us", just as He walked with Noah and others whose hearts are bent towards God. The image of a small child reaching out to hold the hand of a caring adult reminded us that He loves us better than the best human effort. We are to take comfort in God's hand extended to us.

Later we were reminded by one who pointed us to 1 John 2: 6 which teaches that people will know we are Jesus' disciples if we "walk in the same manner as He walked." He walks with us as someone who knows what it means to be human. Hebrews 4:14-16 says we do not have high priest "who does not sympathize with our weakness". He knows our struggles and challenges, yet He bids us, beckons us, to walk with him. It is a partnership. We can do this by holding to the faith (study and learning the Word) and by holding to each other in the community of faith. Attend to each other.

A second theme seems to be related to a follow up question: "Lord where are we to walk?" Very often we are not given the advantage of seeing down the road, but called to simply keep our eyes on Christ as he leads. We were reminded to "keep in step with the Spirit" based on Galatians 5:25. This means we cannot just sit still, but we must keep moving, mimicing Jesus, which requires our utmost effort and focus.

This idea was reenforced when another person put forth the image of a "blind man" running in a road race. Here it takes a lead runner and the blind man holding on to the elbow to make a functioning team. The toughest steps are the first few when the two need to get in sync. But the team works because of trust if they do not give up too early in the process because it is hard at first.

In a journal this was expressed in this way: "Do not stumble, but run with Me. I will lead your life like a runner who has no sight. The more you trust Me, the more we run together, the freer you will be. Trust Me. Hold My arm. I will lead"

Yet in our listening time there came forth a challenge from someone's meditation on Genesis 6 calling us to "engage the culture". With the patience of Noah we are to be obedient claiming, naming and celebrating art, song, beauty and everything good. While we observe the world on its self-destructive path we are to engage the world with light, a Christian worldview, where we see the good coming from God. As we do we then point people to the source of light. We are not to retreat from the world but to advance out in the world to be like the "Temple", cleansed by the Lord and lifted high as example to those around us. This engagement cannot be primarily intellectual or mental. Our engagement is relational. It is to be done one life at a time. Whether at work, or family, or friends we are called to not just speak of God but to demonstrate the love of God. Kindness, compassion, active listening, all open the doors for us to share about the love of the Father for His children.

This is not an easy or natural process. It is easier to retreat into to the safety of the ark. Engaging the culture may not require a physical battle (though some have been known to "lose their life" or "livelihood" for standing for Kingdom values), but the battle is primarily spiritual. One of our number was drawn to focus on Psalm 20 in which they saw a prescription for spiritual warfare: First we are come before the Lord with praise and prayer. Second we are to remember what He has done to strengthen our faith. Next we are to confess our short comings. Then we are called to exercise grace and forgiveness in the world and to the world. We ask that all these be done in His Spirit, In His character, In His name. Another member noted the Hebrews 4 begins with warnings like "remember your first love", "no hard hearts", "don't be slow to learn", which is complimented by James 1:19-22 "be quick to listen, slow to speak", "be doers and not just hears of the Word." Good counsel for us in 2014.

One last image was shared on Saturday. It was the image of large glass bottle of oil used for healing. It was over flowing down the side and on the table spreading out in every direction. Its smell was pungent, pleasing to the senses, and it was in abundance. The words spoken over the oil were " A Year of Healing and Restoration."

May 2014 be know to us as a Season of Healing and Restoration as we follow the Spirit's lead in our walk individually and as a church. May we engage the culture with boldness if not with words only but in intentional acts of kindness and love. May we see God's healing power touch our lives, our church and our community at a level we have not experienced as of late. Amen.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Wine Report - Jan 2014

An update from the vineyard in Flint. This mission of New Wine, like all churches, is to make disciples of Christ. The vision is to do that in different way: not programatically but relationally. This means that we are working hard at building deep, authentic relationships where we care deeply and spend time together growing and serving. What we have found is this is a slow and sometimes difficult process. Here are ways we have been thinking relationally the past month or two:

Hope for America Parties - We hosted two dinner parties in the beginning of November to watch "My Hope America", Billy Graham's final national Gospel presentation. We had over 28 participants who all heard a clear call to follow Christ. Several there had their faith encouraged and one or two who are still seeking were really challenged.

Roxbury Outreach - We hosted 3 craft parties for the residents of Roxbury Senior Apartments where Peggy from New Wine lives. Dave shared a brief explanation of different Christmas symbols each week and then 3 different women from our fellowship prepared a simple Christmas craft to make so we could build relationships with Peggy's neighbors.

Taecken's Terrace Party - We hosted a party for over 40 residents of another Senior Apartment where we hold our Wednesday cell group. Treats and carols was the plan, but catching up with many of the residents who have come to the group from time to time was delightful. Several of the residents comment on how significant our work at Taecken's has been. We are starting a new study next week.

Implosion Sunday - The last Sunday of Advent we gathered before service offering coffee and doughnut holes to people gathered outside Riverside Church where we meet to watch a 19 story building 4 blocks away be imploded. We did have one visitor join us afterward and has expressed interest in returning. It was a ministry of blessing and a great way to start the service off with a "bang"!

Mt. Morris Prayer Team - Sim and Fran Boggs who have come alongside New Wine on several occasions have purposed to make a spiritual difference in the community of Mt. Morris. They are life-long residents and are being lead to organize a group of people who are meeting regularly to pray over their town. This may include prayer walks in 2014, but for now it has started as a Facebook group.

Flushing Cell Outreach - This group plans in 2014 to designate one meeting a month to events or activities that reach beyond our normal prayer and study time. We are starting with inviting one of our group's foreign exchange student to share about Macedonia, her home. We have invited several people who know her from beyond our group to come and hear her story. Then in February we hope to host a movie night, and eventually a blessing party for a local frat house.

2014 Challenges - Due to anticipated revenue changes and expense increases (Healthcare specifically) we are praying the Lord will provide for the estimated $14,000 shortfall in our budget. Dave is exploring other part-time ministry possibilities and Deb is hoping to see her part-time work (which she really likes) grow in weekly hours. It is all about relationships. Building relationships take time. But these challenges could be met with the addition of 6 to 12 new people who join us in this mission and embrace our vision. Join with us now in praying that our work can continue in Flint in 2014.

Donations to help support our work can be made online: or by sending a donation to : New Wine Mission, PO Box 13608, Flint, MI 48501

For the latest pictures and information on the ministry try our Facebook page: