Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Wine Report - Feb 2013

January was marked by several new beginnings for New Wine Mission. First we moved our Sunday location to "nesting" inside Riverside Tabernacle Assembly of God. This was a simple 3 block move but has proven to be a blessing.

First, besides a bright and clean new meeting space (large Sunday School room that can seat 40 to 50 people) we have access to several other important amenities. The most important is nursery and childcare for children up through 5 years old. We meet at the same time as Riverside who has between 200 and 300 people on a Sunday. We also have internet access and very close and clean handicap accessible restrooms. We are already forging new relationships with the people at Riverside and it will be exciting to see how this develops into ministry partnerships.
Secondly, last month we began two new Parish Discernment Committees (PDC) for two men seeking ordination. We have actually done other PDC processes for Micah Chisholm and Michael Cupp who are already ordained and now serving in other communities. Our first two came from ministry outside our fellowship. Our newest candidates are from our own fellowship. Cameron MacMillan is considering the priesthood and Jim Sartor, the permanent deaconate. Pray for these men and our fellowship as we seek the Lord's direction on these issues.

Thirdly, Tim Goodrich returned to Flint after being away much of last year being trained as a shoemaker. Tim has returned and is starting to set up a shop here in downtown. His hope is to develop a "Missional Community" around this trade while mentoring other young artisans. People from New Wine are in the process of helping this enterprise get started. Pastor Dave and Tim made a trip to West Virginia to pick up some equipment. They both felt the Lord's provision and hand on the adventuresome journey. Tim already has a friend who is showing interest in this work and ministry. The key is listening to the Lord. Start small and allow the Lord to add the increase. If you are interested in knowing more about this unique work and model (much like St. Patrick) please contact us.

We also started 2013 with a listening retreat. A more detailed account of this event is posted on our blog. It was clear that day that the Lord was calling us to go "deeper" with him in the new year, as well as to be "bolder". Deep and Bold are the words the Spirit was speaking. We have had many reports among the congregation of ways the Lord is driving this home. Our bookclub small group ordered a book by Mark Batterson entitled "The Circle Maker". After the books arrived they noticed a backcover subtitle which read: "God Honors Bold Prayers and Bold Prayers Honor God." We are praying God will help us heed His invitation to go Deep and be Bold this year.

Finally, we started off February with a visit from our Bishop, Roger Ames. We had a blessed Sunday with three confirmations and Rev. Pat Self being publicly received into ACNA via the Charismatic Episcopal Church. Roger also prayed over our new gathering space and spent some quality time building relationships with our leaders. We are blessed to be under Godly leadership and look forward to partnering with him and the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes for many years to come.

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