Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Wine Report - Jan 2014

An update from the vineyard in Flint. This mission of New Wine, like all churches, is to make disciples of Christ. The vision is to do that in different way: not programatically but relationally. This means that we are working hard at building deep, authentic relationships where we care deeply and spend time together growing and serving. What we have found is this is a slow and sometimes difficult process. Here are ways we have been thinking relationally the past month or two:

Hope for America Parties - We hosted two dinner parties in the beginning of November to watch "My Hope America", Billy Graham's final national Gospel presentation. We had over 28 participants who all heard a clear call to follow Christ. Several there had their faith encouraged and one or two who are still seeking were really challenged.

Roxbury Outreach - We hosted 3 craft parties for the residents of Roxbury Senior Apartments where Peggy from New Wine lives. Dave shared a brief explanation of different Christmas symbols each week and then 3 different women from our fellowship prepared a simple Christmas craft to make so we could build relationships with Peggy's neighbors.

Taecken's Terrace Party - We hosted a party for over 40 residents of another Senior Apartment where we hold our Wednesday cell group. Treats and carols was the plan, but catching up with many of the residents who have come to the group from time to time was delightful. Several of the residents comment on how significant our work at Taecken's has been. We are starting a new study next week.

Implosion Sunday - The last Sunday of Advent we gathered before service offering coffee and doughnut holes to people gathered outside Riverside Church where we meet to watch a 19 story building 4 blocks away be imploded. We did have one visitor join us afterward and has expressed interest in returning. It was a ministry of blessing and a great way to start the service off with a "bang"!

Mt. Morris Prayer Team - Sim and Fran Boggs who have come alongside New Wine on several occasions have purposed to make a spiritual difference in the community of Mt. Morris. They are life-long residents and are being lead to organize a group of people who are meeting regularly to pray over their town. This may include prayer walks in 2014, but for now it has started as a Facebook group.

Flushing Cell Outreach - This group plans in 2014 to designate one meeting a month to events or activities that reach beyond our normal prayer and study time. We are starting with inviting one of our group's foreign exchange student to share about Macedonia, her home. We have invited several people who know her from beyond our group to come and hear her story. Then in February we hope to host a movie night, and eventually a blessing party for a local frat house.

2014 Challenges - Due to anticipated revenue changes and expense increases (Healthcare specifically) we are praying the Lord will provide for the estimated $14,000 shortfall in our budget. Dave is exploring other part-time ministry possibilities and Deb is hoping to see her part-time work (which she really likes) grow in weekly hours. It is all about relationships. Building relationships take time. But these challenges could be met with the addition of 6 to 12 new people who join us in this mission and embrace our vision. Join with us now in praying that our work can continue in Flint in 2014.

Donations to help support our work can be made online: or by sending a donation to : New Wine Mission, PO Box 13608, Flint, MI 48501

For the latest pictures and information on the ministry try our Facebook page: 

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