Sunday we heard of two healings recorded in the Scriptures. The first was the healing of Naaman, a foreign soldier who had a skin disease. The second was a man with leprosy who Jesus cured by simply proclaiming him clean. Physical healing is a sign of the Kingdom of God. Where God reigns there is no more pain, suffering, sickness or death. We are all going to be healed when Jesus returns or when we see Him face to face. But the Kingdom is not fully known yet in this age. We hope for our total healing, but in the mean time, God the Father breaks in and sometimes healing happens now. Just like when Chuck's hands were made well. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote in his letter that we are to ask the elders to anoint us with oil and pray for us when we are sick. So Sunday during our service we invited Chuck and others from St. Matt's to pray for those who would like healing. We anticipate hearing reports of how the Lord is working in our body and our lives in the weeks to come.
Next Wednesday February 22 begins Lent. This Lent we will be exploring the topic of shame, based on a Navpress topical study guide by Ralph Ennis and others. Unaddressed shame can deeply affect people. It can hinder our relationship with others and with the Lord. I sense the Spirit will work in many of us if we invite Him to use the Sciptures and the church to minister to us in this season of soul searching.
February 26 Part I - The Human Experience of Shame
March 4 Part II - The Sources of Shame
March 11 Part III - The Shame that Hides
March 18 Part IV - The Naming of Shame
March 25 Part V - The Shame Exchange
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