Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Cross About My Neck

In preparations for Holy Week, I purposed to wear a cross for the season of Lent. I am not much of a jewelry person. My wedding band is as much "bling" as I wear at any one time. So to wear the cross daily for 40 days was a way of doing something more than the usual routine of life. It proved to be more effective than I thought.

First I had do put it on each morning and take it off each night. This simple action reminded me why I was wearing it and often caused me to offer a prayer like "draw me closer to you Lord and the meaning of the cross." There were actually some days I thought about not putting it on. More often than not it was out of laziness rather than some rebellion or some fashion statement. It was at these moments I thought about how tempting it would have been for Jesus not to take on the cross and yet He did not turn away.  He prayed to the Father, "Not my will but your will be done."   So I resisted my impulse and put it on each day.

The cross was with me wherever I went. Several people asked about it since I do not commonly wear such things. It provided a witnessing opportunity because the cross has a story. It was given to me in 1999 when I was on pilgrimage to Israel. Our tour guide gave an identical cross to each tourist so he could identify us in crowded places on our trip together.  This meant it went everywhere with me during that very significant event in my life. It was around my neck when I walk where Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee. It was with me when I stood in Jericho and next to Jacob's well. It went with us to Bethlehem and the upper room. I held it close as we walked the "way of the cross" in the Holy City and visited the church of the Holy Sepulcher which may have been built over Calvary. I remember holding it tight on several occasions as if by touching it, it could help me remember the significance of this place and the feeling that I felt.

Even these past few days of Lent it proved to be significant. I was wearing the cross the morning I was in a car accident in which I totaled the car.  The accident could have been deadly for myself and others involved. Yet, we were all spared. I later pondered how special it was that this cross, the image of a time of great suffering, was with me at such a frightening moment. The cross reminds us that Christ will go even to the worst places of our lives. He goes to places of fear, places of suffering, even places of pain. He is there and He does not shrink back.   His promise is He will be with us always and everywhere!

My cross has two fish and five loaves molded into it to remind me of God's desire to feed those who hunger after him. I think today I can say that the simple act of wearing a cross the past 40 days did feed my soul. It did cause me pause, reflect, push against the temptation to take the easy route and reminded me very much of His provision and blessing in my life. I am thankful for the cross  in more ways than mere words can capture.

One little cross about my neck. Who would have thought?

1 comment:

  1. Sooo love it! That is how I felt carrying the little hand cross that you gave us to hold on to while we were going through all that heart stuff with Matt! A simple reminder.. but, none the less powerful.. of how The Lord is Always with us.. no matter what!
