Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Wine Report - June 2012

One of our folks at New Wine last month walked into our Sunday celebration when everyone was greeting one another. The room was overflowing with people catching up on the happenings of the week. The person turned to me and said: "This is New Wine uncorked!" So many people who have had reason to visit our fellowship remark that there is a gentle, loving and vibrant spirit present in us. I know God is certainly not done with us yet, but I am glad that what we have is being shared with those who join us, even if it is just for a moment.

I like this image of being "uncorked". I have to admit at times lately it has felt as if we were uncorked and flowing out into the world at a new level. From this little fellowship have had members in China, Columbia, New Zealand and Israel. Soon Kate Robinson will be going with a short term team to Rwanda. Micah & Stephanie, our seminarians, just graduated this month and will soon start ministry as an assistant in Missouri. Mike and Amy Cupp, who we helped in discernment, have begun their work in Grand Rapids. Even our new friend Tim Goodrich who is out in Philly was touched by his short time with us and is considering a more intentional relationship with the Anglican Mission. Can you hear the cork popping?

This month started with our Flushing Cell group participating in the National Day of Prayer and I helped coordinate a local prayer event that involved well over 100 people praying for our community and the nation. Next, over a dozen of us spent a Saturday morning in a time of listening prayer. See our blog ( for more details, but the bottom line is that the Spirit reaffirmed in us that we were on the "right path". We are called to continue to build a community who loves God and loves each other. Last month I had several opportunities to share the vision of creating discipling communities through house churches with several people. One, a Lutheran church planter who is starting a new church in Oakland county, has asked me to bring a group of our members to meet with his new core group this month. Our influence and ministry continues to flow out!

In May the White House student Cafe ministry finished its first 11 week Friday Night coffee club near the UM Flint campus. We hosted over a dozen artists and probably saw over 50 different people stop by with as many as a dozen of them international students. The planing committee of this ecumenical ministry has decided to continue the work next Fall and expand it in scope. We sense the Lord's blessing and have seen significant conversations and relationships built as a result of this outreach activity.

Just last week our music team hosted another praise night in their home. This simple night of learning new songs is more than just a jam session. We sing old songs and new songs. We even broke out some rhythm instruments. One person said they could just feel the strong presence of the Spirit on our time together. She said she went away having come somewhat spent, now refreshed and strengthened . It once again shows that when the Lord is in the midst (even in our rehearsal time) people are blessed.

Finally, Deb and I were blessed with a new used car this month to replace the one lost in my March accident. To our total surprise donations came in to meet the whole cost of replacement! The full story of this blessing is posted again on our blog under "Kulchar Kruizer God's Gift". Thanks to all who prayed for us and were used to help make this incredible blessing.

Yes I can say last month that New Wine was "uncorked" in mid-Michigan.

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