New Wine Listening Day
June 14, 2014
Unlike previous Listening Days this one was not a stand alone event. It was the culmination of two weeks of Prayer and Fasting. We had been praying about the future of New Wine and for revival in our church, community and the wider Anglican work in Michigan and the USA.
After Morning Prayer, we spent a little over an hour in quiet and listening prayer. We then gathered and shared what we felt the Lord was saying to us individually and to us as a church. Here is a summary of some of what was said.
Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Like a beautiful bouquet of fresh picked daisies, the Lord has draw us together and delights over us. A visiter to our fellowship recently described us as “Concentrated Preciousness.” Sometimes when you are in the midst of it you cannot see it. It seems the Lord wanted us to hear that we are His delight, His beloved ones. This is a life changing thought that we are precious, a delight to God!
Psalm 105:4 “Look to the Lord and his strength: seek his face always.”
Keep the main thing the main thing. “God does not usually reveal a plan but God reveals Himself”. It is all about relationships, so as we “seek His face” the mission and direction of our fellowship will come out of our time spent daily in study, prayer, worship and listening.
Our mission is clear: Jesus said “Go and make disciples of all nations”. (Matt. 28:19)
Our method is simple: By loving God & loving people (“All about relationships”)
Start near, go far, be intentional.
3 Key Texts:
1) Hebrews 10:18-25 A Call to Persevere - Five exhortations:
v.22: “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart…..”
v.23: “Let us hold unswervingly to the faith…..”
v.24: “….spur one another on toward love & good deeds”.
v.25: “Let us not give up meeting together….”
v.25: “…let us encourage one another
2) 2 Timothy 4:5: A Call to Endurance and Mission
“…keep your head in all situations…”
“…endure hardship…”
“…do the work of an evangelist….”
3) Proverbs 16 A Call to Keep Our Relationship with God First
(vs 3) “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed”.
(vs 9) “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps”.
“Fear not!” for fear is the work of the enemy. Trust in the Lord for He is near. He is with us.
Part of the His commission “to go” is the promise that He will be with us “even to the end of the age.”
Do not go alone. We have each been given gifts and talents. We are called to sing a new song, but the song sounds better and stronger when done together. Like a bouquet that magnifies the beauty of a single flower, so we too strengthen and make each other more beautiful. Celebrate our gifts. Encourage all to offer their best efforts to the work. Support one another in mission and ministry so that our song rings out clearly to those whom the Father is trying to reach.
Matthew 3:2 “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
Often in times of revival, which are rooted in prayer, the call to repent is one of the first words that comes forth. This day the call was first to:
1) “Come out from the dark to shine the light of God’s love”
We need to each keep our heart pure before the Lord. Inviting Him to purge us from all darkness. You know where the darkness lurks in your life. Call out to God and ask Him to work in you strength, courage and power to resist the darkness and to be set free from the power of sin, which you hate.
2) Repent of what we have left undone.
There have been times we have not stepped up and used our gifts for the work of the kingdom. We have turned our back on ministry opportunities. We have not asked for more gifts for the work of the Kingdom. For this we must repent!
3) Proclaim the work of God you see.
This exhortation came in the following prophetic word given below in the form of a “Call” and “Response”:
CALL: Lord, you have gathered so many of us that have traveled long with you. Sometimes it seems that though we are filled with belief we still tend to ease back into a "been there-done that" approach. I perceive that we love you with our whole heart, but not each other. Too often we go our separate ways and our lives are too busy to give you our full attention. We are, all the same, expectant that you will act, perhaps in spite of us, and you will grow your Church at New Wine.
RESPONSE: You wait on Me, but when I act you barely take notice. It is as if it is enough just to be expectant without ever acknowledging My movement about you. There is great need for you to reach out, speak out, and make Me known among the people, even those who already bear my name.
I am doing a new thing, (I ALWAYS DO A NEW THING), but so few of you perceive it. Turn to Me and seek My face, worship Me only and know that I am God, the one who formed you and has led you to this place. Draw close and walk with Me, not as churchmen do, all stiff in their pews, but as My loving children. Hold My hand and take notice of the things I show you as we walk together. Love and care for those whom we meet. BE PERSISTENT!
Spend time with Me and know that I will not fail you; that all will work for My glory.
It seems like New Wine has been stuck as of late. But something is already happening. Since our call to prayer there have been several new people coming across our path. Some visiting the church, others inquiring about our work and mission. A dream was shared by Pastor Dave+ of hauling a truck load of buffalo (not dainty little sheep) but majestic, powerful and yet non-threatening creatures. The truck gets stuck in the mud. The truck is freed only after the buffalo are released. Even though one was seen with a wound, in order to move forward they must all be released and sent out.
We suspect this was more than a silly dream but a call for us to get off the truck! Each of us must step out in ministry, despite our wounds. Each must boldly exercise our gifts and minister in word and deed to those around us. We cannot hold back. Go deep with the Lord. Draw near to Him and out of that deepening relationship give and pour yourself out for the sake of others.
The Spirit was definitely saying be persistent, it is not time for New Wine to close its doors. We are called to repent for work left undone. We are invited, even called, to love deeper and work harder. That work starts and flows out of us each working on pursuing after the “face of God”, not half heartedly, but whole heartedly. Fruit has come since we have focused on prayer. Therefore, do not let up on your conversation with God on behalf of the church, the city, the wider church and our pastor and church leaders. Ask for and look for moments to demonstrate love to those who are near you and even those who are far off. Be intentional. Boldly share at church and in the world where you see God working.
“My children, I am at work. I am always working, Join me in my work, at the market or in the church. Are your needs met? Switch your thinking. Mission is everywhere; your home, your neighborhood; your work, everywhere. I’m not done working yet.”